Call to Prayer—December 1, 2020

The African Forum on Religion and Government (AFReG) calls on all Christians to increase our prayers as a faith community dialoguing on issues that contribute to Africans Arising Together in the 21st Century.” This week, Tuesday, December 1, 2020, our theme is “Discipline”.

Text: Read: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Hebrews 12: 4-11.


The COVID-19 pandemic has stirred many people to discipline. Recently in a marketplace in my village in Kenya, the police started arresting people who were not wearing masks and not keeping social distance as per the Ministry of Health rules. They were locked in the police cells and waiting for judgement. They could have avoided this if only they had disciplined themselves by observing the rules. Likewise, Christians are required to live a disciplined life in the community. Lack of discipline leads to consequences.

Discipline Definition: Training that produces moral or mental improvement. Controlled behavior. A method to obtain obedience. Punishment intended to correct or train.

It takes DISCIPLINE to run the race, and win.

The Apostle Paul compares the race of life to a natural race, such as the Olympics. He lets us know that if one is going to run even for a corruptible crown (gold medal), it takes discipline.

In the Olympics, while they run their race, they have people in the stands watching and cheering them on. As do we. In the stands, as we run our race, Hebrews 12 says “wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses” being all the apostles and saints of God. And let’s not forget the Man himself, our Lord and Savior Jesus. It also states “let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”

Some people have their own interpretation of sin. Some say this is a sin, that is a sin, and some agree, and others disagree. And sometimes they may be right. It may not be a sin, BUT it may be a weight. Hebrews 12 says lay aside every weight and sin. A weight would hinder you from successfully running and winning the race. I believe Christians can recognize the weight and the sin, and if you can’t, that is what brothers and sisters, in the faith, pastors and teachers are there for. But the deeper you are in the word, the more the Lord will clear up your vision.

So, we must prepare ourselves by having a disciplined life if we really intend on winning the race.

DISCIPLINE is loved by the wise.  

Proverbs 12:1“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, But he who hates reproof is stupid.”

Proverbs 5:23 “He will die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray.”

Proverbs 6:23 “For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; and reproofs for discipline is the way of life.”

The Bible clearly outlines that fools (people without knowledge) do not appreciate discipline. This is in stark contrast to those who love discipline. This encourages us to be disciplined in every area of our life: prayer, godliness, and the study of the Word of God to ensure that we attain the prize and live fruitful and meaningful lives.


Lord Jesus, thank you for displaying what a disciplined life is through your own life here on earth. We are grateful that the same power that raised you from the grave dwells in us and gives us the wherewithal to exercise discipline in all areas of our lives.

We pray that through discipline in prayer, godly living and the study and practice of your word, we will reign in life, fulfill our destiny and win.

When we are disciplined by You Lord, because You love us and we belong to You, may we acknowledge that it is for our good. May we readily be taught through it so that we may reap a harvest of righteousness and peace and share in your holiness.


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